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PRincipal's message

Principal Mary Starling

Hello Horn Families,

My name is Mary Starling and I am the principal at ​Horn Elementary School. I have been a proud member of the Alief family for more than ​25 years and principal at ​Horn Elementary for over 10 years. Before becoming a principal, I taught ​2nd and 3rd grade Self-contained and ELA Block and have served as ​a campus Reading Interventionist, Assistant Principal at Martin, Chancellor and Heflin Elementary.

I graduated from ​ Emory and Henry College where I obtained my ​Bachelor of Arts degree in ​Elementary Education. I obtained my Master's of Science degree from UH Clear Lake with a degree in Educational Management.

My beliefs as a leader include the idea that all students can learn regardless of circumstance - we DREAM BIG at Horn Elementary. Building relationships is the key to our work with each other, the students and our community. To work at Horn you must love this work and love our kids. I hope to see many more of our families and other community stakeholders throughout the year, whether during our evening events or while participating in our Family Engagement Center.   Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any praises or concerns. 

"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance.” Bruce Barton (1886-1967); Politician, Author, Executive

 Mary Starling- Principal, Horn Elementary

Dream Big – Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it

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